Window Trim Project Update

Have you ever started a project and then it creates another project and another project…. and on and on…….? Well that has been the case with my idea to add some more detailed trim to our home.

First having the front columns redone and while that was fantastic in the construction , they then needed to be painted and calked and while we were at it noticed other areas in our front entry that need some attention, like gaps that needed calking and areas that just needed repair. So far the columns are painted and the rest of the entry is waiting for touch up paint. I will say more about that in a moment.


Now on to the window trim. While it took our contractor a bit longer due to weather and a change in how the bay window was to be addressed it turned out nice enough. Now came the time to paint the trim and siding that was replaced and also surrounding areas. Trim no problem, paint matched and went on like a breeze. Our siding color however…. not so easy. After living here 7 years and maybe initially the painters didn’t apply the paint very thick, and the fact that our paint color was discontinued(which they still have the color formula so it should match right?) and the company reformulated the base, needless to say it didn’t look exactly the same going on. It appeared lighter and so minor touch up of the calked areas made it look like some sort of camo/ splotchy disaster. Not happy! We waited a week to see if the humidity and temperature were affecting drying time and hoping it would blend it. Didn’t happen. So we ( I say we but I mean my dear husband since I can’t reach most of the areas and he is a much better painter than I), are in the process of repainting the entire deck area. Yeah, not what we planned to do for this simple “touch -up ” project.  So the entry will likely have to be painted more extensively than we had anticipated. ARG!

So here is the window trim project and the area around the deck we are working on:

Before :










We’re getting there slowly but surely. We are not planning to paint the entire house at this point and hoping we can hold off for a few more years before we tackle that. As for now we just want to finish this phase and enjoy the rest of the summer without any more house projects. Is that even possible? We shall see.

Make it a great day!


Porch Columns Update

I am finally getting around to posting about our one of many “To Do’s” for Spring. It was a “To Do” even if somebody else did it, I still get to check it off the list.

Last week the porch columns were remodeled and are awaiting painting. They look so much better now. They are more in scale with the stonework and the front of our home. The craftsman did a great job and as soon as the days are a tad bit warmer and a bit less rainy they will get painted.


Before :DSC_0085 DSC_0086 DSC_0073






The funny thing was as much as I felt they needed a makeover, none of my friends even noticed them. They couldn’t remember what they looked like before and walked right by them and didn’t notice the improvement. So I guess that goes to show you what you think is so noticeable and need of a change, sometimes isn’t even observed by others. So unless you want to change it because it makes a difference to you (which to me it did) it may not be all that big of a change for the money. Oh well I like it so much better and I think when you compare the before and after , it is more obvious an improvement.  What do you think?

Have you ever had that experience when you did something you thought made a great improvement and yet nobody really noticed?

Well on to the next item on the list of “To Do’s”.



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Spring Project : Porch Columns

As the sun shines a little more often and Spring is becoming a reality my eyes see all that needs to be done outside around here. It’s a bit overwhelming and the “to do” list could well out last any budget or time to get it all done.

So we decided that our front porch columns are one of the first things you see when you come to our house and they needed to be addressed.

First the house is 7 years old now and showing some wear in certain areas already. That sure happens fast! Maybe our climate here in the Pacific Northwest has something to do with it. A little too much moisture will effect the exterior paint and moss on the roof very quickly.

I have been looking on Pinterest  and Houzz to find examples of front porch columns that would work with the style of our house. I don’t want to start changing the style and get too elaborate but keeping it clean and simple.

I found these ideas:

Some are fantastic but a little too much trim for this house with out doing something different around all the exterior windows as well , not really ready to do that.

This is what our columns look like at the moment:


To me they are a little small for the front of the house and not trimmed out very well.



Here are some other pictures to give you a better idea of what I’m talking about.




This next week they will be getting a little makeover and I will post before and after pictures when the work is completed. I am hopeful it will add greater curb appeal when finished.

This is what I hope they will turn out like :

Just a little bigger and trimmed somewhat minimal is what I’m going for.

I’ll let you know if this first of many ” to do’s” turns out as planned.

Have a great weekend and enjoy this sunny day!
